Wednesday, May 16, 2007


First Law of Thermodynamics
Cylinder Piston - Java - Long download, 1.6 MB - only on T1 or cable modem - UBuffalo - updated - Web
Gas and piston (L7) - Korea - Web
Gas in a piston - Shockwave - Web
Heat Capacity of a Calorimeter - Java
Bomb Calorimeter (L6) - Animated Gif
Combustion of Hydrocarbon Gases (L8) - Shockwave ISU
Heat Capacity of Metals (L6) (Metals in Water) - Shockwave ISU
Heat of Reaction (L8) - Shockwave ISU
Heat of Solution (L8) - Shockwave
The Second Law of Thermodynamics - Concepts & Machinery
Second Law of Thermodynamics (L10) - Java UCI
Nature of Irreversibility - The Happy Molecules (L10) - Java UCI
Carnot Heat Engine (L10) - Java
Another Carnot Heat Engine (L10) - Physical Transformations of Pure Substances
Phase Transitions of Pure Elements in the Periodic Table - Java MSU
Dissolution of NaCl in Water - Shockwave ISU
Thermodynamics of Mixtures
Henry's Law - dissolving oxygen in water
Mixing of gases and effusion* - Prentice Hall
The effects of osmosis on cells*Diffusion - molecules move from higher to lower concentration*Osmosis in a cell*Osmosis and gas diffusion*Reverse osmosis* - for water purification


Ideal Gas Law (L2) - Java
Plotting the Ideal Gas Law (L2) - Java MSU
Elastic Collisions of Hard Spheres (L1) - Java
Brownian Motion (L1) - Java
Ideal Atmosphere - (L3) Java - Phys. Chem. & Atmospheric Sciences UCI
Molecular Weights, Pressure and Average Molecular Speeds - Java
Maxwell Distribution (L3) - Java
Maxwell Distribution (L3) - UC Davis
Kinetic Molecular Theory (L2, L3) - UC Davis
Van der Waals forces (L4)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Cardiovascular System Topics by ADAM
Drag/Drop Labeling of Heart by Arthur Harwood
A Healthy Heart Novartis
Many Animations on Heart and Circulation
Heart Structure by Nucleus Communications
Heart functions and Problems Cardiology Associates
Electrocardiogram -ECG Technician Nobel eMuseum
Hyper heart by Knowlege Weavers
Heart Sounds Tutorial Blaufuss
Cardiac Cell Death San Diego State University
Electro Cardio Gram by Knowlege Weavers
Heart Animations Science Museum of Minnesota
Operation Heart Transplant from PBS
EKG Tutorial RnCeus Interactive
Heart Valves Movie by Marcy Thomas at Wellesley
Cadaver Dissection of the Human Heart (dissection 4) University of Wisconsin
Heart and Blood Vessel Basics Guidant
Virtual Autopsy HBO
ECG Simulator SkillStat Inc.
Cardiac Dictionary SkillStat Inc.
Many Animations Cardiovascular Associates
Open Heart Surgery
An Overview of Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation Wisconsin Online
Heart Anatomy Review Wisconsin Online
The Anatomy of the Heart Wisconsin Online
Pathology of Cardiac Disease Wisconsin Online
l'innervation extrinsèque du coeur Laurent Martorell Académie de Créteil
La régulation de la fréquence cardiaque Laurent Martorell Académie de Créteil
Cardiac Procedure and Condition Animation Library Sutter Davis Hospital
Heart Internal Video Clips Visible Heart
Introduction to Cardiac Care Columbia University
Heart Beat - Electric
Heart Attack
Heart Blood Flow
Sheep Heart's Dissection zeroBio
Heart Failure
Blood Circulation
Circle of Willis Blood Flow Duke University Medical Center
Circle of Willis RM Chute at NHC
Fetal vs Postnatal Circulation Indiana University
Foetal Circulation SONIC
Mammal Fetal Circulation by HHMI
Baroreceptors response University of Warwick
Coronary Artery Disease - Adam University of Maryland Medicine
Coronary Artery Disease World Travel Meds
Understanding Angiogenesis National Cancer Institute
Cracked Plaque Formation
Coronary Artery Plaque Development
Blood Pressure Measurement Victoria College
Blood Pressure Measurement Sports Health
Osmotic Pressure Wisconsin Online
Angiogenesis National Cancer Institute
Capillary Exchange Gerard Scholte & Ineke Marree
Fluid Exchange across the capillary walls McGraw-Hill

Blood Cells in Dutch Gerard Scholte & Ineke Marree
Blood Typing in Dutch Gerard Scholte & Ineke Marree
Atlas of Hematology by Nivaldo Medeiros M. D.
Blood Typing Game Nobel e-Museum
Hemophilia Your Genes Your Health
Hemostasis McGraw Hill
Blood Type Wayne's Word
Blood Tutorials GetBodySmart
Red Blood Cells Wisconsin Online
White Blood Cells Wisconsin Online
Rh Factor and ABO Compatibility Baltimore Community College
L'hémoglobine et le transport du dioxygène Laurent Martorell Académie de Créteil
Hematology Animations Laurent Martorell Académie de Créteil
Genetic Immune Deficiency called SCID-X1 Sumanas Inc.
Hemostasis and Platelet Info
Lymphatic and Immune System
Introducing the Bloody Characters of Specific Immunity by RM Chute
Humoral Immune Response
Specific Immunity in Dutch Gerard Scholte & Ineke Marree
Immune System McGraw-Hill
Leukocyte Extravasation W. H. Freeman and Co. and Sumanas, Inc.
Immune System Davidson College
Immunology Animations Kuby Immunology
Antigen Processing by the proteasome Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
Virus Attack Game from PBS
Somatic Recombination Animation Davidson College
Immune System Animations (advanced) Blink Studio
T-cell Cloning HHMI
Lymphatic System - Adam University of Maryland Medicine
Influenza Animation
Choosing Immunizations Wisconsin Online
Space Doctor - Gene Therapy Genetic Learning Center
AntiBiotic Resistance Sumanas Inc.
Dust Mite Allergy
MHC I Presentation Duke University Medical Center
Immunology Animations University of Alberta
La diapédèseby Laurent Martorell Académie de Créteil
How Immunisation Works Immunisation in the UK
Inflammation Movie University of Missouri Health Care
The Immune System and Cancer Vaccines National Cancer Institute
Phagocyte Chemotaxis Wisconsin Online
Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis ScienceMedia
HIV Lifecycle Flash Animation by GalaxyGoo
Can you get AIDS from a mosquito bite? GalaxyGoo
See HIV in Action by PBS from PBS
HIV life cycle and Drug Interaction by Roche
Animation of HIV life cycle RNCEUS
HIV Drug Resistance BioCreations
HIV and AIDS Annenberg/CPB
Respiratory System
Changes in Partial Pressure McGraw-Hill
Interactive Lungs Science Museum of Minnesota
Function Tests:Static Lung Volumes McGill University
Fetal Pig Respiratory System Whitman College
Fetal Pig Respiratory System Quiz Whitman College
oxygen binding graph by Harvey Project
Lung Attack! Air Info Now
Respiratory Tuorials McGill University
What is Asthma
Lung Cilia---- Smokers Cilia
Respirology Molson Medical Informatics
Spirograph Animation Molson Medical Informatics Student Projects
Respiratory Tract Anatomy Molson Medical Informatics Student Projects
Respiratory Basics Wisconsin Online

Kidney Structure Sumanas Inc.
Countercurrent Exchange Mechanism Marieb
The Juxtaglomerular Apparatus Wisconsin Online
Kidney Vascular System Wisconsin Online
How kidneys function Kidney Patient Guide
How Haemodialysis works Kidney Patient Guide
How Peritoneal Dialysis works Kidney Patient Guide
Kidney Transplant Kidney Patient Guide
Fetal Pig Urinary System Whitman College
Fetal Pig Urinary System Quiz Whitman College
Kidney Stones - Adam University of Maryland Medicine
Micturition Reflex McGraw-Hill
Renal Physiology Molson Medical Informatics
Micturition Mechanism
Interactive Kidney Quiz zeroBio
Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Homeostasis
Mechanisms of Acids, Bases and Buffers
Acid Base Balance McGill
Acid/Base Balance Wisconsin Online
Acid/Base Imbalance Wisconsin Online
Alterations in Fluid Balance Wisconsin Online
Fluid balance and blood pressure Kidney Patient Guide
Fluid and Electrolytes Wisconsin Online
Osmotic Pressure Wisconsin Online
Arterial Blood Gases Wisconsin Online
Digestive System Terry Brown
Three Phases of Gastric Digestion McGraw-Hill
Gastrin Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Digestion on a time line George Mateljan Foundation
Acid Reflux Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Fetal Pig Digestive System Whitman College
Helicobacter pylori and gastric pathology John Hopkins
Swallowing John Hopkins
Normal Biliary Anatomy
Mechanism of Acid Production in Gastric Parietal Cells John Hopkins
Irritable Bile Syndrome John Hopkins
Neutralization of Stomach Acid zeroBio
CCK Causes Bile Release zeroBio
Digestion (Elementary) Kitses
Peristalsis State University of West Georgia
Interactive Digestion Quiz zeroBio
Cholesterol Consumed in Food
Fatty Acid Transfer Campbell Interactive Chemistry
Biochemistry of Cholesterol by Rodney F. Boyer
Lipoproteins Wiley
Fatty Acid Metabolism by Rodney F. Boyer
Fatty Acids Wiley
Metabolic Process Locater by Rodney F. Boyer
Male Reproductive Histology Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Spermatogensis McGraw-Hill
Stanford Visible Female
Many Reproductive Movies and Animations Oklahoma State University
Chemistry of Pregnacy test Kuby Immunology
Events of the Uterine and Ovarian Cycle Sumanas Inc.
Mitosis/Meiosis Simulation by Jon C. Glase at Cornell
Meiosis Sumanas Inc.
Sexual Reproduction McGraw-Hill
Mechanism of an Erection How Stuff Works
Menstrual Cycle MSNBC
La procréation médicalement assistée Laurent Martorell Académie de Créteil
Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer ScienceMedia
DigiStrip Library, Fetal Monitoring High Impact Litigation Inc.
Joining of Pronuclei and Fission University of Wisconsin
Child Birth Illustrated IDEAs
Fertilization Process W.H.Freeman & Co.
Conception to Birth Anatomical Travelogue Inc.
Just the Facts - beautiful presentation on the first nine months
Embryonic Develoment University of Pennsylvania
Reproductive System (fetal pig) Whitman College
Fetal Pig Quiz Whitman College
Fertilization University of Colorada
Cloning Dolan DNA Learning Center
Windows on the Womb from PBS
How is Sex Determined from PBS
Life's Greates Miracle from PBS
Sea Urchin Development Stanford University
Stem Cell PBS
Embryology Homepage McGill Medical Students
In Vitro Fertilization
Foetal Circulation
Fetal Stages MSNBC
Apgar Scoring in the Newborn Wisconsin Online
Apgar Scoring Challenge Wisconsin Online
Descent of the Testis Swiss Virtual Campus
Embryology Tutorial
Quiz Thomson Learning
Classic Genetics
Geneticsrials(java script) RM Chute
Who Owns Your Genes BIONET
Genetics animations California State University, Chico
A multimedia Guide to Genetic Disorders Your Genes Your Health
Tokyo University Genetics Study Group Tokyo Medical University
Blood Type Calculator University of Arizona
Genetic Engineering
PCR Animation Dolan DNA Learning Center
Southern Blot Animation Dolan DNA Learning Center
Jumping Genes (AC/DS Transposition) Dolan DNA Learning Center
Gene Therapy - Molecular Bandage? Genetic Science Learning Center
Evolution Lab by Leif Saul
The Human Genome Project animations
Gene Almanac Features Dolan DNA Learning Center
PCR Animation Robert J. Huskey
DDT for Malaria Control
Karyotype Analysis Monmouth University
Chromosome 11 -Sickle Cell Gene Channel 4
Inherited Disease Koshland Science Museum Sequencing the Human Genome Science Generation


Geneticsrials(java script) RM Chute
Who Owns Your Genes BIONET
Genetics animations California State University, Chico
A multimedia Guide to Genetic Disorders Your Genes Your Health
Tokyo University Genetics Study Group Tokyo Medical University
Blood Type Calculator University of Arizona


Skin, Skeleton and Joints
Skin (Integument)
Skin and Integument Wisconsin Online
Skin Receptors Sumanas Inc.
Inflammatory Response Sumanas Inc.
Bone Labeling Exercises McGraw-Hill
The Appendicular Skeleton Wisconsin Online
The Axial Skeleton Wisconsin Online
The Vertebral Column Wisconsin Online
Cranial Anatomy by Dale A. Charletta
L'anatomie du squelette humain by Laurent Martorell Académie de Créteil
FracturesWisconsin Online
Knee, Shoulder, Hip and Spine Swarm Interactive, Inc.
Intervertebral Disc Problems Bay Area Pain Medical Associates
Health A Comparison of Three Arthritic Conditions Wisconsin Online
Anatomy of the Hip Wisconsin Online
Interactive Spine Animations
SLAP Lesion of the Shoulder Animated Medical Graphics
Gout Animated Medical Graphics
Hand Kinesiology The University of Kansas
Back Pain
Arthroscopic Surgery
Degenerative Disc Disease Bay Area Pain Medical Associates
Classification of Joints Wisconsin Online
Movement Terminology Wisconsin Online
Regional Body Terminology Wisconsin Online
Lower Back Disorders Web-MD
What is Rheumatoid Arthritis
What is Osteoarthritis

Muscular System
Muscle Structure and Function
Human Cadaver Dissections University of Wisconsin - Madison Medical School
The gross physiology of skeletal muscle by Harvey Project
Sarcomere Shortening McGraw-Hill
The structure of the thick filament and M-line by Harvey Project
Functional Unit of Muscle -Sarcomere by Harvey Project
Motor unitLarry Keeley at Texas A&M
Levers and joints by Harvey Project
Muscle twitch by Harvey Project
Sliding Filament Theory
Sliding filament by Gary G. Matthews
Role of Calcium by Ateegh Al-Arabi, Ph.D.
Lever arm Hypothesis by Harvey Project
Structure and Muscle Contraction Larry Keeley at Texas A&M
Titin Illustration from University of Leeds
Actin and Myosin Wiley
Muscle ContractionBrook/Cole Chemistry
Muscle Cell Contraction Wisconsin Online
Neuromuscular Junction
synapse by Gary G. Matthews
Neuromuscluar Junction by Harvey Project
Botulism Toxin - Method of Action
Sodium Potassium Pump Campbell Interactive Chemistry
Fast, Slow, Intermediate Fiber Match Harvey Project
Structure of the Muscle Organ Wisconsin Online
Muscle receptors and Spinal Reflexes by Tutis Vilis

Neurons and Synapse Action
Several Neuron Animations by Gary G. Matthews
Nevous System Animations McGraw-Hill
Physiological Events at the Neural Synapse Wisconsin Online
Neurobiology Annenberg/CPB
Neuron and Nevous System Structure
Neuron Animation by WNET (PBS)
Neuron Regeneration by Ateegh Al-Arabi, Ph.D.
Unipolar and Multipolar Neurons Wisconsin Online
Neuroscience Animations Gary Fisk, Ph.D.
Neural Communication University of Bristol
Synaptic Plasticity University of Bristol
Synaptic Transmission MCB-HHMI Outreach Program
Nerve Synapse by Arthur Harwood
Synaptiic Transmission Sinauer Associates
Release of Neurotransmitter by Harvey Project
Neurotransmitters by Harvey Project
Presynaptic and Postsynaptic Illustration by The Mind Project
Neuronal Information Transfer Larry Keeley at Texas A&M
Mirror Neurons NOVA

Membrane Potentials/Action Potentials
Establishment of a Resting Potential UCSB
How Do Neurons Work? University of Bristol
Resting Membrane Potential Sinauer Associates
Neuron Transmissions in Dutch Gerard Scholte & Ineke Marree
Electrical Signaling in Neurons Sumanas Inc.
Action Potential
Action Potential Biology @ Horton
Action Potential MCB-HHMI Outreach Program
Action Potential - Voltage Gated Ion Channels by Gary G. Matthews
Action Potential arriving at the end of an axon.
Action Potential Sinauer Associates
Saltatory Conduction by Gary G. Matthews
Saltatory Conduction by Brainviews
Graded Potentials - IPSP's and EPSP's
Scene Menu -Check Spatial and Temporal Summation at Texas A&M
IPSP's and EPSP's by Gary G. Matthews
Basic Reflex Arc BBC
Reflex Arcs Sumanas Inc.
Patellar Reflex from
Stretch reflex Indiana University
Parasympathetic Eye Response by Knowlege Weavers
Two-Neuron Knee-Jerk Reflex Arc Wisconsin Online
Tests sur le système nerveux by Laurent Martorell Académie de Créteil

Nervous System
Epidural and Subdural Hematomas University of New Mexico
3-D Tour of the Brain PBS
The HOPES Brain Tutorial Stanford Education
Cererbral Spinal Fluid Circulation from UCLA Education
Circle of Willis by RM Chute
Striatal System (advanced) by Knowlege Weavers
Brain Probe from PBS
Basal Ganglia Pathway Controls by Jeff Sale
Motor Cortex by Tutis Vilis
Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia by Tutis Vilis
Memory by Tutis Vilis
Association Areas by Tutis Vilis
Brain Power University of Washington
Prion Diseases
How Prions Arise McGraw Hill
Peripheral Nervous System
Neurological Exam University of Utah School of Medicine
Nervous System Pathways Columbia University
Nervous System Pathways (cont.) Columbia University
Vagus Nerve Pathways Columbia University
Cranial Parasynpathetic Nerves Columbia University
Facial Muscle control by Knowlege Weavers
Control of eye muscles by Knowlege Weavers
Pain Pathways Bay Area Pain Medical Associates
Pathway Quizzes in Neuroanatomy (advanced) by Knowlege Weavers
Adrenocepter Classification
12 Cranial Nerves Wisconsin Online
Upper and Lower Motor Neurons Wisconsin Online
Comparison of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems Gary Fisk, Ph.D.

Drugs and Neurotransmitters & Mental Disorders
Alcohol and the brain from PBS
How Prozac Works (SSRI)
How Paxil Works
Opiate receptors by WNET (PBS)
Cocaine's effect by WNET (PBS)
Another Cocaine Movie from UT
Nicotine Patch by Nucleus Communications
GABA Inhibition of Glutamate Bay Area Pain Medical Associates
Acute Pain Bay Area Pain Medical Associates
How Drugs Affect Neurotransmitters INMHA
Sara's Quest National Institute on Drug Abuse
Pharmacologic Action of Meth
How is Pain Produced University of Edinburgh
How Much Alcohol can YOU TAke BBC
The Brain: Understanding Neurobiology Through the Study of Addiction National Institutes of Health
The Science of Addiction University of Utah, Genetic Science Learning Center

Special Senses
Ear, Equilibrium and Sound
Inner Ear Maculae BBC
Sense Web - University of Western Ontario by Tutis Vilis
Sound and the Ear by Gary G. Matthews
Hearing by Tutis Vilis
Balance by Tutis Vilis
Hair cell transduction channels by Gary G. Matthews
Anatomy of the Ear Wisconsin Online
Sense of Hearing Wisconsin Online
Sound Transduction Sumanas Inc.
Effect of Sound Waves on the Cochlea McGraw-Hill
Ear Structure Columbia University
Eye and Light
Anatomy of the Eye
Label the Eye Diagram Arthur Harwood
Structure of the Eye Sumanas Inc.
Eye Muscle Action Simulation by UC Davis
Eye Tutorial
Many Aspects on Vision 800 Contacts
Eye Movements by Tutis Vilis
Visual Preception of Objects by Tutis Vilis
Visual Preception of Motion by Tutis Vilis
Eye Structure and Function by Tutis Vilis
Visual Cortex by Tutis Vilis
Streams for Visual Guided Actions by Tutis Vilis
Visual Pathways Sumanas Inc.
Rhodopsin's reaction to light by Gary G. Matthews
The Sense of Sight Wisconsin Online
Chemical - Olfaction and Gustatory
Taste Animation BBC
The Sense of Taste Wisconsin Online
The Sense of Smell Wisconsin Online
Olfactory Receptor Stimulation BBC
General Senses
Touch receptors by Tutis Vilis
Muscle Sense by Tutis Vilis

Drag/Drop Hormone Match ZeroBio
Action of Adrenalin ZeroBio
Learning Reproductive Biology in Farm Animals Oklahoma State University
American Diabetes Association
G-protein Signal Transduction at Texas A&M
Adrenaline Action University of Washington
First and Second Messenger System Wayne University
Glucose Homeostasis Gerard Scholte & Ineke Marree
Thyroid Gland Functioning by Leif Saul
Hormone Epinephrine Sumanas Inc.
Endocrine topices Marieb
myDr Diabetes Health Centre
Thyroid Gland Functioning MEDLINEplus
The Action of Hormones Wisconsin Online
The Stress Response Wisconsin Online
Glucose Metabolism for the Endocrine System Wisconsin Online
La régulation de la glycémie by Laurent Martorell Académie de Créteil
La transduction du signal des hormones stéroïdes by Laurent Martorell Académie de Créteil
Le fonctionnement des protéines Gs by Laurent Martorell Académie de Créteil
The Endocrine System McGraw-Hill
Signal Transduction(2nd messenger)